



在美国队和和平队之间做出选择? 以下是你需要知道的

即使你以前听说过美国志愿队或和平队, you might not be clear on how they’re different or what the benefits are. Here’s your guide to learning about why these are both awesome service opportunities!

With AmeriCorps, you’ll serve in the states; with the Peace Corps, you’ll serve abroad.

如果你在美国服务队服役, you’ll be able to give back to your community in your home state or serve in a new state. You’ll gain professional experience 和 build a network closer to home or where you might like to continue to live within the U.S. 

如果你在和平队服役,你将在国外服役. You’ll be able to use your skills 和 passion at the local level while partnering with a community in one of over 60 countries outside the U.S. 在人们的生活中创造积极的影响. Both opportunities offer ways for you to build your professional skills. 

The right fit depends on your interests 和 goals, 和 both opportunities can be really fulfilling. 无论哪种方式,你都可以选择你喜欢的服务地点!


大多数美国志愿队的职位都是一年(11个月)。, 但也有缩短服务期限的选择. Some programs offer a summer term (three months) or a semester term (4-5 months). Plus, some programs offer additional flexibility with both full-time 和 part-time positions. AmeriCorps members have the option of serving for up to four terms of service total. 

和平队项目需要27个月的承诺期, 有机会把你的任期延长到一年. There are also shorter-term opportunities for highly qualified individuals with significant professional experience, or for those who have already completed a 27-month Peace Corps program. You can also apply to additional programs throughout your lifetime, even as a retiree!

这两个项目都提供津贴和额外福利. 具体的薪水取决于项目和职位.

美国志愿队和和平队是提供服务的机会, 不是工作, 所以你在服务的时候不会赚很多钱. However, service members are paid, 和 there are other benefits that they receive. 

美国志愿队的成员每两周领取一次生活津贴. Because it’s not an hourly wage, you can expect a reliable paycheck. 除了生活津贴, 会员在服务期满时可获得澳门皇冠国际官方APP客户端奖励. 一共6美元,895 (equivalent to the Pell Grant) that can be used to repay student loans or pay education expenses. Anyone older than 55 can gift their education award to a family member. 还有其他的福利, 比如全职会员的健康保险, 儿童保育援助, 地铁交通折扣, 提供津贴, 和更多的. 

The Peace Corps provides housing 和 a living stipend so that participants can live in their community of service. Peace Corps covers the cost of transportation to your service location, 以及服务期间的所有医疗和牙科护理. Participants may be eligible for student loan forgiveness or other student loan benefits. 不像美国志愿队, Peace Corps doesn’t provide an education award; instead, 它提供超过10美元,000 (pre-tax) after each person’s service to support their transition back to life in the U.S.

Most, if not all, Peace Corps programs offer housing, 和 most AmeriCorps programs do not.

If you’re thinking about service, you’ll also need to consider where you’ll live while you serve. 一些美国服务队项目提供住房或住房津贴. The Peace Corps will provide housing or a stipend for housing in your host country. 

许多美国志愿队成员选择为自己的社区服务, where they already have housing or are able to find shared accommodations for the duration of their term. 双子城人类栖息地, 谁来建造和维护经济适用房, has low-cost apartments available for some of their members to rent. Conservation Corps provides tents 和 food for members who travel to remote locations for week-long service projects. 

和平队的住房因国家而异. You may live with a host family, at least at the beginning of your service. The minimum st和ard is a single room that is clean 和 can be locked, 获得干净的水, 卫生浴室, 还有烹饪空间. 并非所有地点都有电力和室内管道.


Most AmeriCorps positions don’t require a specific background or specialized education. 所有课程都需要高中文凭或同等学历. A h和ful – including 大学可能 和 明尼苏达州GreenCorps – require a college degree or at least some post-secondary education. 无论你选择哪个项目, with ServeMinnesota’s programs you’ll get in-depth training so that you can be successful in your role. 

一些和平队的职位需要大学学位, though there are a variety of positions that will accept five years of full-time professional experience in lieu of a 4-year degree, 或者是一些大学和专业经验的结合. 大多数课程对语言没有要求. Volunteers receive immersive language instruction during the first three months of service; a minimum level of Spanish, 或者在某些国家需要罗曼语. Applicants also must complete a medical review process before going abroad to determine which countries can support their medical needs.


无论是美国队还是和平队, 许多人发现服务是获得新技能的好方法, 建立职业关系网, 尝试新事物. You’ll develop soft skills like communication, teamwork, intercultural competence, 和 adaptability. You’ll also develop skills specifically needed at your service site – those range from chainsaw safety to language proficiency to using data to make decisions. 售后服务, you’ll be connected to a network of AmeriCorps or Peace Corps alumni around the world who can help you find the next step in your career.

Your experience will likely depend on the location 和/or program you choose.

不管你是在美国服务队还是和平队服役, 没有一种服务体验是相同的. 在明尼苏达州, you can do everything from fighting wildfires to teaching kids to read, 和 with the Peace Corps you can serve everywhere from Guatemala to Nepal. 美国服务队和和平队, 你可以选择哪个项目, 机会, 你喜欢的位置.


很多人两者都做! 这两个节目有很多交集. If you serve with the Peace Corps, you can still serve a full four terms with AmeriCorps.

对服务感兴趣? 这很容易上手! 如果你对美国志愿队感兴趣, 查看我们的节目列表请填写我们的利息表 皇冠官方APP客户端的招聘团队专家. 和平队的网站上有很多机会, where you can learn more about how the program works 和 what the program is like.
